Monday, July 13, 2009

Round 4: Reinspire

Just back from a weekend away with Matt's family, and I return actually inspired. Reading a fantastic novel called "Border Crossing," with some of the richest, realest characters I've discovered in a long time. Not since THE VANISHING ACT OF ESME LENNOX have I been this deeply inspired for my own writing.

So: Round 4 of this word game we established in January? Sentences that apply to the largely reimagined TREE MUSEUM story.

BORDER CROSSING toggles multiple characters much more deftly than my novel-draft does, and it ties those characters - binds them - together along both plot and metaphorical lines. That's what my novel needs to do.

So, the next 26 entries will be sentences from the restart of a novel-in-progress.

Please, please, please. Wish me luck.

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