Sunday, September 14, 2008

Name Change, Purpose Found

As I've written fairly often, I've not been sure about the purpose behind this blog.  
Not that it even deserves the term, honestly: I've barely posted in months, and haven't been able to justify taking the time.  (Wedding, seriously busy new job, blah, blah, blah...)
But this weekend I think I've gained a sense of purpose for this space.  A reason for blogging. An actual goal.
Starting tomorrow morning, and taking a break between September 20 and October 13 (during which I'll be writing into a notebook in Barcelona, Fez, and Marakkech, far from electronic crutches like a laptop and email) I am going to use this space as my writing "home."
Every day, Monday through Friday, I will write 150 words.
They may not be good, they may not link together or inspire other ideas, but they'll be there.
And we'll see where they take me down the road.
I'm on notice. 150 words.
I'm committed to it. 150 words.
I've got to do it. 150, 150, 150 words.

Wish me luck.

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