Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Day 1 - Category Unknown

When she first entered the office, she was relieved by how mildly grubby it was.

-Wow.  Day one, and already, I'm having these massive misgivings about posting writing online.  The above sentence could be a re-opening of the Muriel story, but as I was writing it,  I felt, pretty powerfully, that I should not be posting these pre-writings, personal writings, fictional writings online.  

I've struggled a bit with the whole online thing of late anyway.  As lovely as it has been to connect with folks re: Facebook while in Spain (no internet in Morocco, until we found a cafe, by which time we'd decided that the disconnection was worth more than checking in), I've also been feeling as if the clutter of it all -- life -- is one of the reasons (excuses) I haven't been writing.

Should I keep these "150 words" to myself each morning?  Will I even stick to it without the potential embarrassment of a "no-show"?

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