Monday, October 1, 2007

Harder Than It Looks

And no, that's not a pun.

I'm just now re-reading that first little post of mine, and there are typos, incorrectly chosen words, and just plain uninspired writing.

My friend Kenny (of blogs, and I'm always amazed by how meticulously crafted his musings are. They run the gamut of life, media, politics, and pop culture (all gay, of course), but they always follow the true telling of story--they engage and evoke, guiding the reader from beginning to end.

I'll use that as a brief segue into "Heroes" on NBC, which I'm sure I'm the last of many to post on. This season's first episode worried me: It seemed as if an arbitrary scattering had occurred, and after last season's disappointing (although technically sufficient) ending, I was worried that the producers had bitten off more than they could chew. After watching tonight's episode, I'm happily convinced I'm wrong.

We've got HRG (ie: Claire's Dad) deeply enmeshed in partnership with Suresh in order to take "the company" down, a beautifully manhandled, memory-deprived Peter Petrelli tied up in the back of a Cork, Ireland pub, and a killer--and I do mean killer--couple of twins. One, it appears, kills. The other, I'm guessing, heals. And they seem to be symbiotic. The geek in me wants to cheer.

So I'm giving it a hearty, full-bore chance. It's harder than it looks to craft something with a clear beginning, middle and end. "Heroes" looks to have done it. Tell me if I have too.

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