Monday, October 1, 2007

I give up

Or maybe, more correctly, I give in.

Over the past few years, I've resisted blogging mightily. I love my life, but generally feel overwhelmed with work, family, friends, my boyfriend, and everything else that everyone else also feels overwhelmed by.

I'm also a writer: my first novel came out in 2006, and I'm trying hard to finish a second one. I also write all day at work for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.

I do write the occasional restaurant review for local papers, and friends have asked me to post a blog here and there, but--as a friend once put said: "But Alex, you hate the internet," so a blog always seemed like too much to do.

But I miss the daily writing that my journal used to offer, and I do--often--which I had a voice in the world that didn't take years of work and endless revision. Hence "This Week in Alex," a chance for me to share whatever thoughts--whether lauding a well-balanced Larry Craig Op Ed in TIME or bemoaning the unnecessary presence of Benny Ninja on last week's "America's Next Top Model"--come my way.

So this is it: I give up, I give in.

I'm going to try this blogging for a while.

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