Friday, January 28, 2011

The Next Fear

Tonight, I am co-DJing a happy hour and party at the Duplex Diner.

This should not cause me fear. But it does. I spent 20 minutes this morning changing clothes until I struck upon an outfit that is cute (enough) while being comfortable since I'll be eating and drinking gay Diner food for free.

It surprises me, the degree to which this is a true hurdle I need to overcome. I worked at the Diner for almost 8 years during grad school, and have a deep bench of friends and former customers who it will be great to see. The happy hour is a group I know quite well too.

So why the fear? Or, is what's important that I recognize the fear, but move forward anyway?


PS: Wrote a few words last night, and again this morning. Fiction creeping back in.

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